The Boyfriend Experiment Read online

Page 9

  “Me either,” Gabriel said. “And I don’t usually… I mean… I’m not the kind of person who daydreams about other people.”

  “But you were daydreaming about me?” Reid asked, thrilled at the idea.

  Gabriel nodded. “I got caught, too, by the woman I share an office with. Turns out she’s gay. Her girlfriend is very pretty, but then I guess she’s pretty, too. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

  “Once you start looking, the world’s full of queers,” Reid said. “You haven’t really started looking yet.”

  “You know, she said approximately the same thing. You two should compare notes.”

  “She sounds smart. Though I guess she would be if she’s working with you,” Reid said.

  No matter how many times he thought about it, Reid couldn’t get over the fact that he was sitting around eating dinner with one of the tiny number of human beings who’d been to space. Gabriel was a rarity.

  Exceptional in every way, except in the ways where he was completely normal. He liked dumplings. His wardrobe seemed to be made up entirely of jeans and nerdy t-shirts. And he’d been to space.

  It was weird, but it was the kind of weird Reid was into.

  “She’s very smart. Smarter than me, probably. What I lack in raw talent I’ve always made up for in hard work,” Gabriel said. “I’m not the most talented engineer on the planet. Things don’t just happen to you because you’re the best, though. They happen to you because you want it the most. My mom taught me that.”

  “She sounds smart, too,” Reid said.

  “She is. She raised me on her own and made sure I’d have a better life and more opportunities than she did after dad left. I just want her to be proud of me.”

  “I bet she is now,” Reid said, taking his first bite of food. “We need wine. Red or white?”

  “I’ll let you figure that out. I know nothing about wine except how to drink it when it’s free.”

  Reid chuckled at that.

  “Well, you bought dinner, so I can supply drinks.” Reid stood, stretching his arms over his head before turning to the kitchen. “I’ve been looking for a good excuse to open this bottle.”

  He didn’t really want to admit it, but Reid was lonely, too. Like Gabriel, he didn’t have many friends. Acquaintances, sure, he had those coming out of his ears, but real friends, people he actually felt connected to… they were few and far-between.

  So that meant that he’d been hanging onto a really nice bottle of red wine that one of the companies that loved to send him samples had given him for Christmas, and now was his first opportunity to share it.

  It was a Friday. He only worked on Saturdays under special circumstances, so he could afford to drink half a bottle of wine and fall asleep beside Gabriel on the couch.

  Which actually sounded like Reid’s idea of heaven right now.

  He brought the bottle and two glasses back to the coffee table with him, twisting it open and pouring them a generous measure each.

  “This is nice,” he said after a moment, basking in Gabriel’s company. It was nice. It almost felt like a date, and it’d been way too long since Reid had been on one of those. He could definitely date Gabriel.

  He wasn’t sure that was something Gabriel wanted, but maybe they could work that out together. He wasn’t entirely sure what they were doing right now, but he was sure they’d figure that out, too.

  Gabriel swallowed half of his wine down in a single mouthful, making happy sounds as he followed it up with another dumpling. At this rate, they were never getting to the soup, but Reid was cool with having leftovers tomorrow.

  “It is nice,” Gabriel said. “I’ve never really done this before. I mean… not with someone I was interested in… sexually?”

  Reid laughed. “It’s an honor to be your first,” he said.

  “I’m not sure about that. I’m surprised you let me come back,” Gabriel said, looking down at his lap. “I didn’t think I’d be… uh, enough for you, I guess.”

  Reid understood why Gabriel might have thought that, but he felt guilty for not making it clear to Gabriel that the sex had been good, even if it had been a little awkward to start with and had gone down like horny teenagers making out when their parents weren’t home.

  That had been the best part, in a lot of ways. It had felt so earnest, so genuine. Reid was used to picking someone up who was just interested in getting off and who he never expected to call in the morning.

  Gabriel had come back for more within a day.

  That was hot. That made Reid feel good about himself, less like he was just getting off for the sake of it, more like he’d made a real human connection.

  “You were great,” Reid said. “I haven’t had that much fun with someone else in years.”

  “I want anal,” Gabriel said as Reid was halfway through a mouthful of wine. He barely saved himself from choking, covering his mouth as he coughed up the wine that had just gone down the wrong way and was now in his lungs.

  He’d just barely gotten used to the idea of Gabriel being assertive enough to come over for sex. This wasn’t at all what he’d expected from the cute nerd he had a ridiculous crush on.

  Not that it wasn’t hot. Reid could definitely get behind Gabriel telling him exactly what he wanted. In detail, even.

  “Are you okay?” Gabriel asked after a moment. “It’s all right if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to,” Reid rushed to assure him, clearing his throat as he finally recovered. “Just surprised you do.”

  Gabriel shrugged. “I trust you. If you’re willing to show me, I’d like to get the full gay experience from someone I trust.”

  Reid couldn’t fault that logic. It was nice that Gabriel trusted him, though.

  “Okay, then,” Reid said, topping off Gabriel’s glass. “Drink up. You’ll thank me later.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Stars burst behind Gabriel’s eyelids as Reid’s finger pushed inside him, stretching him open. He bit down on his lip, wriggling into the pillows under his hips, his cock leaking precome onto his stomach.

  He was glad now that Reid had supplied plenty of wine. His body wanted to tense up at the intrusion, no matter how much his mind wanted to relax and enjoy this. The fuzziness was helping with that.

  “Talk to me,” Reid said from behind him, pausing. Gabriel wished for a moment that he could see Reid’s face, but he believed it when Reid said this was a better position for his first time.

  “I’m fine,” Gabriel said. “It’s weird.”

  Reid chuckled. “Weird at first, yeah. You’ll get used to it. And if you hate it, just tell me to stop.”

  “I don’t hate it,” Gabriel responded, spreading his knees further apart to give Reid more space between his legs.

  “Good.” Reid ran his free hand up and down Gabriel’s thigh, warming it up with long, soothing strokes.

  Gabriel still loved having Reid’s hands on him. It felt so good, his touch always so sure, so comforting. Gabriel hoped that it felt a little like this when he touched Reid, but he was never sure. Never entirely confident.

  Practice would get him there, and Reid seemed to be a patient man both at work and outside it.

  Gabriel needed that patience. He wouldn’t have been here without it.

  He was getting used to this, already. It felt so good to have Reid touch him, and the thought of having Reid inside him, making him moan and gasp, showing him all the things his body could do…

  That was hot. That was what had him rocking his hips into the pillows under him, rocking back onto Reid’s finger before he realized he was doing it, biting down hard on his lip as he got used to the fullness, as he started to want more.

  “More,” Gabriel murmured as he had the thought. He needed Reid, Reid’s fingers, his cock.

  He’d barely been able to stop thinking about it. How full he’d feel, how good it would be.

  Porn wasn’t exactly the best instructor, but he’d seen enough to know that he
wanted this. The whole world of gay sex had opened up in front of him, and he wanted all of it.

  He was lucky to have Reid to show him. Beautiful, confident, patient Reid, who wanted to have sex with him, for some reason.

  Gabriel was still trying to figure that out, but he didn’t care so much right now. He wanted Reid just as much. That was all he had to worry about.

  Reid shoved a second finger inside him. Gabriel’s back arched toward the mattress, a moan echoing off the headboard. His vision whited out for a split second, every nerve ending in his body lighting up as Reid brushed what Gabriel had to assume was his prostate.

  People weren’t kidding about that.

  Reid chuckled behind him, clearly pleased with himself.

  “You could have warned me,” Gabriel complained, though no amount of warning would have prepared him for the shock of pleasure that had just coursed through his body.

  “That wouldn’t have been as much fun for me,” Reid said. “I’m showing you a whole new world right now.”

  “If you whip out a magic carpet, I’m leaving.”

  “Oh, so you’ll go to space, but you won’t get on a flying rug?”

  Gabriel opened his mouth to protest that he trusted the shuttle because he’d designed it, but Reid twisted his fingers as he took a breath, turning whatever comeback he had on the tip of his tongue into an embarrassingly loud moan. He was so full, stretched to what felt like the limit, but he knew there was more to come.

  He closed his eyes again as he imagined Reid’s cock sliding into him, thick and hot, so much better than a couple of fingers. How had he never thought to touch himself like this before?

  “You’re a natural,” Reid murmured, rocking his fingers in and out, a slow, firm massage that left Gabriel whimpering into the pillow under his head, rolling his hips back for more, meeting Reid’s thrusts.

  If this was just the prep work, the main event was going to kill him.

  It wasn’t the worst death he could imagine.

  “How’re you feeling?” Reid asked after another few moments.

  “Good,” Gabriel said. “Relaxed,” he added, realizing what Reid was actually asking a moment too late.

  Reid laughed again, low and warm. The sound made Gabriel’s heart clench.

  He liked Reid. Outside of being attracted to him, he liked him. Gabriel had rarely had time for romance in his life, his dedication to his work and whirlwind career leaving him without a lot of free time and no energy for a partner, but now…

  If it was going to be anyone he’d known so far, it would be Reid. He could see himself wanting more. More than sex, and more sex, too.

  “Ready?” Reid asked, his voice low and rough. Gabriel could feel arousal rolling off him now, hear the need in his tone.

  That was hot. Someone like Reid getting off on his body made Gabriel feel a lot more attractive than he was used to feeling.

  Gabriel nodded, excitement making his chest feel tight. He’d expected to be afraid, but he wasn’t. Not now. He trusted Reid with his body, Reid had only ever made him feel good.

  He groaned at the loss of Reid’s fingers, squirming at the strange, empty feeling. Gabriel screwed his eyes shut and focused on his breathing, not wanting to tense up now.

  The mattress shifted as Reid moved behind him, his warmth getting closer, seeping into Gabriel’s skin. Gabriel gasped as he felt the thick head of Reid’s cock pressing against him, close enough that if he wriggled back a little it’d be inside him, filling him up, touching every sensitive spot he had at once.

  Reid’s hands curled around his hips, holding him firmly in place, his thumbs digging into Gabriel’s ass. All Gabriel could do was wait, wait for Reid to push forward and give him what he wanted.

  He bit down hard on his lip as Reid’s hips moved, the head of his cock slipping inside Gabriel’s body, overwhelming pressure making him want to bear down, to push back, to take Reid’s cock the whole way.

  He got his wish before he could even finish thinking it, gasping for air as Reid filled him. He could feel his body stretching a last little bit, right at what felt like his absolute limit, muscles protesting even as precome leaked freely from his cock into the pillow under his hips, stars bursting behind his eyelids.

  It was every bit as good as he’d imagined, and then some.

  Gabriel’s head spun, dizziness making him glad he was lying down and being held in place. Intense wasn’t a big enough word for it, every tiny movement Reid made sending sparks coursing through his body until it felt like every nerve ending he had was on fire.

  Gabriel panted and moaned, rocking his hips as he willed his body to adjust, his cock still leaking into the pillow, precome soaking the cover and making his belly wet as well.

  Reid moved one hand to Gabriel’s shoulder, his thumb working soothing circles into the tense muscles there. “Too much?” Reid asked, his voice soft.

  If Gabriel had said yes, he was confident Reid would have pulled out without an argument. Right now, though that was the last thing he wanted.

  He wanted to be fucked like the mattress was on fire. He couldn’t remember feeling this good in his life, wanting sex so desperately, wanting to go as hard and fast as his partner could manage.

  Sex with women had been fine, and he’d managed to get off on it, but this… this was completely different. This, Gabriel was quickly realizing, was what really, truly turned him on.

  Reid’s cock. Shoved as deep inside him as it could go.

  It was so damned good.

  “Not enough,” Gabriel choked out, his throat dry, his voice strained. He wanted Reid so badly that he couldn’t imagine stopping now, not for anything.

  Reid chuckled again, the sound filling Gabriel’s ears, going straight to his cock as Reid finally moved his hips, the first long, slow slide making Gabriel spread his legs wider, lift his hips up, all in the hopes of getting more, faster.

  He wasn’t disappointed, Reid’s next thrust coming harder and faster, leaving Gabriel moaning into the pillow under his head again, his pulse pounding in his ears, tight, hot arousal building in his stomach as Reid’s cock filled him as far as it could.

  Gabriel sobbed as Reid set the pace, just slow enough to be frustrating and satisfying by turns, arousal making his balls ache, his stomach clench, his thighs feel tight. He wanted to rock back against him, hard and fast, force him to speed up, but Reid was holding his hips still.

  Besides, he also wanted this to last, and as tempting as it was to fuck himself on Reid’s cock as hard as he could until he came, that would leave him finishing too quickly, the whole thing over in a matter of seconds.

  “You feel great,” Reid said, panting harshly.

  All Gabriel could do in response was moan, his head spinning, his brain fuzzy. He wasn’t used to anything short of perfect clarity, and normally not being able to think straight would make him panic, but this was too good for him to care.

  Who needed the ability to form a sentence when Reid’s cock felt so good, when Gabriel was discovering things about his body that he’d never known? He was happy to trade sharpness for pleasure right now.

  Some part of him knew that made Reid special. He wouldn’t have let just anyone do this to him. He wouldn’t have let himself feel so needy, want someone so badly if they weren’t special.

  Gabriel wanted more than Reid’s cock, and if he hadn’t been in the middle of having his brains screwed out, that would have been terrifying.

  “You too,” he responded belatedly, having almost forgotten what he was responding to by now.

  His orgasm was already building in his stomach, every thrust of Reid’s hips sending wave after wave of pleasure rolling through him, making his lungs tight, making his gut ache with the need to come. Gabriel gripped the sheets under his hands, rocking his hips into the pillow, desperate for just a little more friction.

  The hand on his shoulder pressed down, shoving him hard into the mattress, changing the angle so Reid’s cock struck his prostate
straight on with every thrust, shock after shock of pleasure making Gabriel gasp and sob, arousal welling up behind his balls, the pressure so intense that all he could do was breathe through it and wait for it to burst.

  Reid’s hand moved away from his hip, underneath him, between the pillow and his stomach. After a moment, Reid’s fingers wrapped around his cock, strong and sure, squeezing him tight and jerking him off in time with Reid’s thrusts.

  Gabriel panted for breath, his head light, his fingers digging deep into the mattress underneath him as the world started to spin. He screwed his eyes shut tight, spreading his knees further, his thighs protesting at the position.

  It didn’t matter. Reid felt so good inside him, so thick and full, so hot, he didn’t care what the rest of his body wanted. Any part of him that wasn’t his cock or his ass didn’t get a say right now.

  He was so close to coming that he could feel it in the back of his throat, a rolling pressure, right on the edge of spilling over, need and want and pleasure swirling in his gut, making him impossibly hard, making him jerk his hips between Reid’s hand and his cock.

  Within just a few more moments, it was all too much. Gabriel sobbed one last time, his hips bucking into Reid’s hand as he came all over it, coating the pillow and his own stomach as well as Reid’s fingers, his head pounding with every thrust of his hips, every wave of pleasure as it rolled through him, leaving him spent and exhausted.

  He rocked back against Reid’s cock through the aftershocks, gasping as he felt it twitch inside him, as he heard Reid make a low, soft grunt that seemed to come all the way from the pit of his stomach, his hips jerking against Gabriel’s as he came, too.

  That felt so good. His orgasm had been great, but Reid’s… Reid’s made him feel better about himself than he had in a long time.

  Reid groaned as he pulled out, flopping down on the bed beside Gabriel, the mattress bouncing under his weight.

  Gabriel lifted himself up gingerly, his arms and legs both protesting, and tossed the pillow he’d come all over to the floor. He collapsed onto the bed as well, sore and tired, but not as sore and tired as he had been last time.